Homeschool Your Children and Run Your Business Without Getting Overwhelmed

Discover the best curriculum for independent learning, save 5+ hours per week, and get rid of stress–even if your child learns differently.

It’s all inside the free Facebook group:

The Challenge of Entrepreneurship and Home Education

You’re on a challenging road with lots of ups and downs. Less than 10% of Americans own and operate a successful business. Additionally, only about 6% of children are given an opportunity to enjoy the benefits of homeschooling.

Yet, you’re doing both! You’re a problem solver who’s driven to succeed. And, chances are, your child is unique–they need something more than common core workbooks.

It’s a lot, but there are so many rewards waiting for you along the way when you partner with others who understand how to help your child thrive without frustration or tears.

Avoid common pitfalls, save time, and find balance when you get support from parents and professionals who’ve been where you are and understand how the brain works.


Solution: The CEO’s Homeschool Framework

Hi, I’m Anna Bauereis, the CEO’s Homeschool Coach. I was running multiple brain development centers while homeschooling my own two kids. Work was consuming most of my energy, and my family was left struggling to get by with scraps. But there was another layer of problems to overcome: my children weren’t traditional learners; they weren’t happy sitting in a chair doing workbooks all day.
As a Board Certified Cognitive Specialist trying to juggle it all, I knew I had to come up with a system that would help my business and my family thrive. That’s when I developed the CEO’s Homeschool Framework. Most parent resources are made for families with predictable schedules and 4+ hours a day devoted solely to home education. But that didn’t work for me, my business, or my kids. And I always felt like I was stretched too thin. This framework is different–it’s specifically designed for entrepreneurs, and it covers all the basics:
  1. How to choose the right curriculum for independent learning
  2. The key to creating a streamlined schedule that saves time and eliminates stress
  3. Discover the cornerstone of your child’s learning style that no one else is talking about
When you’re ready to take that first step towards finding balance without sacrificing your career or your child’s education, hop over to the group and join us. It’s completely free to get started.

The Journey: From Chaos to Calm

I’ve been serving students for over seventeen years.

As a result, over 3,000 families have experienced the joy that comes from watching their children exceed the expectations of doctors, therapists, and teachers.

Here are a few of their stories:

You’re invited to be part of our supportive circle of entrepreneurs who homeschool. Follow the link below and request to join the group:

I’ll see you on the inside!