Health & Wellness

A happy life equates to a healthy life – that's non-negotiable.

Anna Bauereis

A happy life equates to a healthy life – that’s non-negotiable. You may be on track with your career and you might have a strong family life, but as long as you don’t care about your body, and nurture your health, and inner well-being, it’s not enough.

Alas, in this hectic and often bustling world, it can be tricky to keep on track with our health and wellness goals. That’s why you need a health and wellness coach.

A health and wellness coach is for you, if…

What is a health & wellness coach?

Hailing from a rich and varied background in human psychology, anatomy, spirituality, and wellness, Anna is a Board Certified Cognitive Specialist with over 17 years of experience.

Her health and wellness coaching services are addressed primarily to individuals looking to set health goals for themselves and stick to them. In her health and wellness work, Anna draws on her experience in psychology and human behavior to help you develop and stick to healthy habits.

That’s the main reason why you may have a hard time sticking to a diet, or some other health goal – unhealthy habits, and behavioral patterns. Working together with a health wellness specialist, you can gradually begin to break personal barriers, and redefine what a healthy life is to you.

Anna Bauereis

Anna is a Board Certified Cognitive Specialist with over 17 years of experience.

Anna B is a professional and trained life coach who is on a mission to improve the professional and personal lives of her clients one at a time. She has a history of dealing with grief, trauma, and challenges herself and has overcome them herself. She welcomes individuals to her life coaching services to help everyone live a happier, fuller, and more exciting life

Let’s Talk About Your Health  

An all-inclusive approach to wellness

Some people wrongly believe that a health and wellness specialist is only about nutrition and fitness. Yet, while those play a major role in your mental state and well-being, they are not the only aspect of a healthy life.

Whether you’re struggling with one, or all three of these categories, or maybe can’t quite put your finger on what’s holding you back, a health & wellness coach can help you.

Schedule a 15-minute call with Anna today, to discuss your health goals,
and see how you might work towards them.