Family Coaching

Families are our greatest treasure on this earth, but even the most loving, happiest families occasionally experience a rough patch.

If your family is currently dealing with divorce, separation, the loss of a family member, or some other traumatic event, it may be time to seek out a family coach.

What is family coaching?

Family coaching is the process by which one or more family members work with a specialized coach to improve family interactions and address specific issues.

Maybe you feel unheard in your family. Maybe you feel bullied. Maybe you feel like you don’t belong, or you’re having a hard time connecting with your loved ones.

All of that is perfectly normal, and something a family coach can help with.

What can a family coach help you with?

With over 17 years of experience as a Board Certified Cognitive Specialist, it is Anna’s goal to help you understand and untangle any complicated situation in your family right now.

The most common issues that Anna works with, as a family coach, include:

  • Parental challenges – whether you’re a new parent, or are going through a rocky period with your child, it’s normal to seek help, and support, and to have questions.
  • Marriage problems – often, the conflict between spouses can affect their relationship with their children (as well as a child’s self-esteem and sense of security). It can also cast a shadow over interactions with other family members.
  • Communication issues – as we grow older, our interests and lifestyles may change and those changes often make it difficult to communicate with our parents, siblings, or children.
  • Teenage difficulties – the teen years are infamous for their many difficulties. From teen pregnancy to dropping out of school, even to suicidal ideation, your teen may be going through a difficult time, and counseling can help.
  • Disciplinary issues – it is the wish of every parent to give their children a good upbringing, but we often struggle with imposing the right amount of discipline and structure.
  • Dealing with anger and/or loss – Finally, managing such strong emotions within a family setting can be a challenge. We might lash out at family members, and we need to learn how to live with our negative emotions.

Benefits of family coaching:

Quite simply, a coach is a verified professional specializing in child, parent, and couple psychology. They help you address the roadblocks in your personal life and help build stronger healthier family dynamics.

While these are some of the more common issues Anna specializes in, as a family counselor, they are not the only ones, by far. If your specific concern does not fall intothe categories above, reach out.

Schedule your 15-minute call today, to find out how
we can solve your family problem together.